Ofsted praises Djanogly Strelley Academy for being a happy and inclusive school
Djanogly Strelley Academy has maintained its Ofsted ‘good’ grade and been praised for being a happy and inclusive school, according to new report.
Inspectors found that pupils work and play together well, value one another and respect each other’s differences.
The children are proud to follow the school values of ambition, kindness and teamwork. Pupils also say they feel safe.
Inspectors have also commended the academy for taking great care to meet the needs of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The school, the report notes, makes sure that it includes all pupils in everything it does. Leaders and staff know families well and parents and carers appreciate this. As one said: “Teachers have gone above and beyond during these difficult last years.”
The school has been judged as ‘good’ across all five inspection criteria: the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision.
Ben Armstrong, Headteacher, Djanogly Strelley Academy, said: “We welcome the very positive and encouraging feedback that we have received from Ofsted.
“We take great pride in creating a happy, inclusive and safe environment so that our children feel settled and develop the confidence to become the very best they can be.”
The report, published on April 29th, 2022, also highlights:
· The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
· Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum to meet pupils’ needs.
· The curriculum, including phonics and early reading, is a priority. Pupils who are at risk of falling behind receive the right support so that they can keep up.
· Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND have access to an appropriate curriculum. Teachers ensure that pupils are given the right support. They quickly spot when pupils need additional help.
· The school provides a wide range of opportunities to support pupils’ personal development. Pupils enjoy clubs such as sports, chess and cheerleading.
· The school council works to improve the school and community. Members have helped to develop a local play area and to set up a community allotment.
Liz Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Djanogly Learning Trust, added: “We recognise that children need a curriculum that promotes ambition and aspiration through purposeful and rich experiences that broaden their perspectives on life. It’s great to see that happening at Djanogly Strelley Academy. I would like to commend all of the staff for their commitment, diligence and hard work.”
The inspection took place on March 1st and 2nd 2022. To read the report, please visit Ofsted’s website.
Pictured: Ben Armstrong, Headteacher, Djanogly Strelley Academy.