Excellent Estates Management

Vision: to create safe, engaging and sustainable environments which support every child and young person to have an exceptional education experience to flourish and succeed.

To support with planning and organisation of estate resources.

To understand the land and buildings in our communities.

To support with the management of estate performance and ensure sustainability.

Ensure the maintenance and care of our estates.

Offer expertise and guidance to meet and maintain all health and safety requirements.


Provision of extra capacity to effectively plan and executive large estates projects, from the renovations of classrooms through to additional buildings.

Plan and Organise Estates Resources

Plan and Organise Estates Resources

Clear governance processes to support the estate (including accountability at Board level & clarity of responsibilities at school and trust level).
3-5 year budget plan for the estate approved by the Board including capital projects, maintenance and associated funding.
Clear procurement procedures ensuring VFM covering projects as well as Trust wide utilities and facilities management (catering, grounds).
Appropriate engagement with professional advisers to design, price, manage and deliver projects.
Formal procedures for emergency planning.
Clear estates risk assessments.

Understand Our Land And Buildings

Understand Our Land And Buildings

Clear understanding of condition of all buildings (including through regular conditions surveys)
Understanding of cost and priority of works needed
Hold clear documentation around ownership and the operation of our land and buildings
Understanding of estates suitability and sufficiency to ensure meets current and future educational requirements

Manage Estate Performance and Sustainability

Manage Estate Performance and Sustainability

Consistent approach to performance management for assets across the estate.
Consistent and challenging approach to monitoring and managing energy and water use; reducing energy and water use; and maximising energy efficiency

Maintain Our Estates

Maintain Our Estates

Develop and maintain a well-planned maintenance plan including a prioritised programme of maintenance works showing who is responsible for the maintenance

Meet Health and Safety Requirements

Meet Health and Safety Requirements

Documented health and safety procedures including responsibility for safety and security of staff (including clear systems for accident and near miss reporting) and accountability at Board level.
Complete understanding of statutory compliance requirements.
Systems in place to ensure understanding of compliance across the estate.

Plan and carry out Estates Projects

Plan and carry out Estates Projects

Transparent process for identifying, defining, appraising and prioritising projects.
Clear responsibilities for decisions around investment and expenditure.
Strong approach to project delivery including project management and evaluating impact of investments.
