School Improvement Model – Educational Excellence


For every child and young person to have an exceptional education experience to flourish and succeed.


All adults are committed to collaborative working across our Trust and beyond. We work to achieve our vision, ensuring that we are innovative in our pursuit of excellence, overcoming all challenges along the way. Each and every academy is equitable and thrives through the collective hard work of all staff in the trust. We share collective responsibility beyond our ‘home school’.  All children and young people are part of our family, and this ethos, coupled with clear expectations, ensures all flourish, and succeed.

Educational Excellence

  • Achieve the highest Personal, Academic and Vocational Standards
  • Benefit from varied and rich opportunities that shape their development
  • Are ready, prepared and confident about the next stage of their education/life
  • Are socially, morally, culturally, and spiritually aware so that they value themselves, who they are and the contribution they can make.
  • Respect others and offer collaboration, challenge, friendship, support and understanding with integrity.
  • Know how to keep themselves and others safe and healthy in mind and body.
  • Develop resilience and gain the appropriate knowledge, skills, courage, and wisdom to overcome and navigate barriers.
  • Have a strong sense of belonging and strive to be the best they can be
  • Will find and/or welcome innovative ways and find solutions to overcome challenges so that a ‘no excuses’ culture permeates throughout the Trust.
  • Will be aspirational for all young people, regardless of their background.
  • Will be valued and rewarded for the hard work that they do in improving the life chances of our young people.
  • Receive and are invested in regular quality CPD which is career stage appropriate, to achieve qualifications and experiences that will advance their careers.
  • Will be offered additional opportunities and challenges so that, as individuals, they remain enthused and engaged, and as a Trust, we recruit and retain the very best.
  • Will be dedicated to raising aspirations within our learners and expectations within our staff so that all our young people, regardless of their backgrounds can excel.
  • Will be empowered to lead, having the confidence and freedom to apply wisdom and discretion within an agreed framework with agreed principles.
  • Will be supported. We will ensure our leaders have the supervision, the network opportunities, and mentors to be able to thrive and flourish in their work – even on the toughest of days.
  • Will be resourced with the tools, people, environments, skills and knowledge to be the very best they can be
  • Will be challenged. We will keep our leaders motivated by providing quality continued professional development and creating further opportunities within the trust (and beyond) for them to impact increasingly wider.
  • Will be grown. We will nurture our talent, identify, and retain the best staff so that they can become our future leaders.
  • Will be challenged. We will keep our leaders motivated by providing quality continued professional development and creating further opportunities within the trust (and beyond) for them to impact increasingly wider.
  • Will be supported. We will ensure our leaders have the supervision, the network opportunities, and mentors to be able to thrive and flourish in their work – even on the toughest of days.

School Improvement Principles

School Improvement Principles

We have a structured approach to school improvement that provides a clear and robust systematic, Trust-wide methodology. Our overriding belief is that high quality, well-matched, continuous professional development lies at the heart of school improvement.

This means:

• Constantly reviewing and improving Trust-wide curricula, ensuring they are of the highest quality
• Having robust dialogue with academy leaders and governing bodies about outcomes (attainment, progress, attendance, and behaviour) to ensure rapid and sustained improvement.
• Prioritising the deployment of resources to have maximum impact
• Providing swift, bespoke support designed to build the capacity of individual academies
• Identifying and sharing good practice, within the Trust or with external partners to improve outcomes
• Implementing quality assurance processes to accurately analyse strengths and identifying areas for improvement
• Investing in staff accessing the NPQ programmes, apprenticeships, under and post graduate degrees
• Having excellent support and training for Early Career Teachers

Our Strategic Objectives

1) Excellence in Teaching and Learning:

1) Excellence in Teaching and Learning:

• Investing in continuous professional development for our staff, equipping them with research driven pedagogical strategies and adaptive teaching practices resulting in high-quality instruction in every classroom.

• Committing to an ambitious, creative, knowledge rich, well sequenced, and inclusive curriculum.

• Implementing our curriculum effectively so that children and young people are motivated, challenged, know more, remember more, and are ready for their next stage of learning.

• Developing purposeful learning environments where children and young people are enthused, and excited in their learning.

• Committing to improving the life chances of all children and young people through aspiration and ambition celebrating excellent outcomes for all learners.

• Using assessment effectively to check for understanding and to inform future planning and implementation.

• Prioritising reading so that all children and young people gain a love of books and learning.

2) Excellence in leadership, innovation, and creativity

2) Excellence in leadership, innovation, and creativity

• Expecting leaders to communicate a clear and ambitious vision.
• Ensuring staff are providing insightful support and challenge to, and with each other.
• Upholding the Trust’s values and behaviours through an engaged, committed, and motivated workforce.
• Accountability is valued and all colleagues have clarity of their role and responsibility.
• Creating a culture of positivity by recruiting, and retaining high-quality, talented staff, who have the knowledge and support to develop their professional practice and careers.
• Having effective governance at all levels.
• Engaging all stakeholders, building strong links with the local community.
• Ensuring value for money and efficiency through organisational synergy.
• Encouraging a culture of intelligent problem solvers who explore new opportunities, take measured risks, and invest in improving children and young people’s lives.

3) Excellence in Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes

3) Excellence in Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes

• Developing effective systems in all our schools to improve attendance, punctuality, and behaviour.
• Implementing a curriculum that supports the holistic and personal development of all children and young people that develops mental health and wellbeing enabling individuals to overcome barriers.
• Committing to rich opportunities, where children and young people flourish, thrive, and succeed, having access to wider, memorable experiences outside the classroom.
• Preparing our children and young people for their adult life in modern Britain, including appropriate careers, health, social, and economic education.
• Being part of a culture that is vigilant and proactive with robust systems designed so that all children, young people, and staff feel safe and are safe.

4) Excellence in Effective Collaboration and Partnership Working

4) Excellence in Effective Collaboration and Partnership Working

• Using collaboration within our schools, across our Trust and wider stakeholders to drive improvement.
• Promoting effective leadership that supports strong relationships between children, young people, and staff.

Our actions

We all work together across our schools to identify the best and most innovative ways to achieve success and improve outcomes. Once agreed, it becomes the Trust approach and there is an expectation for all academies to adopt this practice.

Additional support is often on a needs-led basis.

  • We carry out thorough due diligence on new schools to identify strengths and weaknesses and constantly monitor and evaluate our existing schools.
  • Every school receives a curriculum review, a safeguarding review, a SEND review, and opportunities for peer reviews.
  • Regular progress checks from Directors of Education.
  • Regular assessment points.
  • Regular reporting of performance data to trustees.
  • External reviews to provide unbiased and independent view of our academies and our QA processes.

When specific concerns are identified immediate intensive support is put in place. Schools with strong capacity for continued improvement are expected to support other schools across the Trust.

As a Trust we provide a team of experts in finance, HR, estates, compliance, health and safety, IT, and governance, who also form part of our strategic school improvement service, providing rapid and responsive specialist expertise to support and improve our schools. They provide knowledgeable advice and support, as well as leading on projects and ‘getting things done’, thus releasing education leaders to do just that – lead education.

School Improvement Team

CEO & Directors of Education

  • Proven track record in school improvement, including NLE and NPQ accreditation, Masters level qualifications, and Ofsted Inspection expertise
  • Provide support and challenge to academy leadership teams
  • Add capacity to academy leadership where the school is not yet good
  • Primary and secondary academy leaders who have led significant school improvement in disadvantaged contexts
  • Experienced and effective school leadership at senior and subject level
  • Bespoke senior leader support and guidance
  • Develop and support governors to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to hold academy leaders to account
  • Extensive links and networks to give and source additional support immediately should it be needed

Teaching & Learning Lead

  • Role model demonstrating own outstanding professional practice
  • Support curriculum design
  • Lead the Trust CPD journey, providing and commissioning a ‘menu’ of CPD provision
  • Advise on CPD design and delivery including the Early Career Framework, NPQ programmes and mentor development

Trust Education Experts –leading improvement whilst sharing wider research and strong practice

  • Deployments across Trust to add capacity in order to accelerate pace of improvement
  • Specialist knowledge in areas such as SEND, phonics and early reading
  • Curriculum leaders with experience and success in designing an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum – leading on their subject across the whole trust
  • Behaviour, nurture, and alternative provision expertise
  • Experienced and successful year leaders with proven success in reducing exclusions, improving attendance, and developing a positive and achievement focused culture

Trust Business Experts – allowing education leaders to focus on teaching and learning

  • Lead on efficient and effective business processes, enabling education leaders to focus on improving quality of education and raising standards
  • Qualified and experienced finance professionals and accountants who ensure strong financial management and work with academy leaders to prepare and monitor budgets
  • Qualified and experienced HR professionals who ensure that workforce are motivated, skilled, and effective
  • Experienced estates staff who ensure school buildings are safe, compliant and are in good condition
