Communication Strategy


At Djanogly Learning Trust we effectively engage with wider audiences to create a cohesive community network. Our communication strategy leverages social media tools and various communication platforms to provide an inclusive window into our academies, providing the platforms to enable fostering meaningful connections and interactions.

To provide the expertise and support to build social media profiles.

Add capacity to plan and operate events.

Enhance and drive forward numbers on roll.

Harnessing external support to support and management communications.

Advising and reviewing guidelines for data regulations.

Designing and delivering stronger internal communications.

Social Media

To provide support and guidance to build and populate platforms.
To provide guidance on content and sharing information.
To enhance the use of platforms such as: Instagram, X (formally Twitter), Facebook and TikTok.
To provide support to monitor.

Event Planning and Management

Identifying key events in the calendar and structuring support for the effective running and safety of the event.
Adding capacity to provide wider support in order to manage and build strong community relationships.

Building a Community

Review numbers on roll and providing strategic plans to market and enhance provision.
In order to meet the targets that all our academies are full, or with a waiting list.
Providing strategic support to review the current plan and enhance brand awareness.
Supporting academies to build a strong community presence.

Crisis Communication

To engage and fully support our external consultant, Mary Hampshire and ensure the effective management of media outlets.
Mary Hampshire provides guidance and liaison with all external media sources to ensure the reputation of the trust is protected.

GDPR Support

Understanding the regulations and guidance governing the laws of consent.
Providing guidance on how to work within the guidelines to build social media and marketing toolkits.

Internal Communications

Proof reading and designing trust wide newsletter and bulletins.
Reviewing engagement with the trust community and ensuring clear lines of communications.
